Lovis 2001 Benchtop
Discover Lovis 2001, the unique rolling-ball microviscometer based on Hoeppler’s falling ball principle. This falling ball viscometer features an adaptable measurement angle, ensuring pinpoint precision, especially for low-viscosity or shear-sensitive liquids.
Plus, it delivers polymer-specific parameters, such as intrinsic viscosity, K-value and average molar mass with minimal sample volume, in just 30 seconds to 3 minutes.
The Peltier thermostat ensures quick, energy-efficient temperature control (5°C to 100°C) for precise results across various sample types. An optional setup extends the range to -40 °C (-40 °F), making it a versatile choice for labs.
Key features
A falling ball viscometer with adjustable inclination angle for maximum precision
The moving capillary block covers an angle range from 15° to 80° in either direction to achieve the highest measurement precision. While fast falling balls in traditional falling ball viscometers create a turbulent flow in low-viscous liquids, the rolling ball, with a speed adjusted to the sample type, does not. Lovis 2001 also displays the shear rate and allows you to test shear-sensitive samples. The instrument measures dynamic viscosity in the range from 0.2 mPa·s to 10,000 mPa·s, covering diverse applications without the need for multiple systems. It uses electromagnetic detection, and thus remains unaffected by sample opacity and turbidity.
Combine for a superior measurement system
Leverage the power of modularity for a seamless and efficient measurement process. Lovis 2001 measures runtime, relative viscosity and intrinsic viscosity, and instantly calculates dynamic viscosity and kinematic viscosity using a density input. An autosampler helps our advanced falling ball viscometer measure the sample in time-saving flow-through mode without any manual interaction. Upgrade for additional measuring units like, e.g., density, refractive index, or pH, determined in one-and-the-same measuring cycle, with no extra effort.
Data management can be streamlined and centralized through our AP Connect lab execution software.
Full compliance with industry standards
Lovis 2001 meets all 21 CFR Part 11 requirements and ensures 100 % data integrity. Measure according to US Pharmacopoeia chapter 913 and Ph. Eur. 2.2.49. In combination with our renowned DMA density meter, additionally measure relative density according to Ph. Eur. 2.2.5. and specific gravity according to <841>. Perform instrument qualification and validation in just one day with our optional AISQ+ documentation for regulated industries. In combination with a density meter, Lovis 2001 performs wort measurements compliant with MEBAK and ASBC regulations.
Falling ball viscometer with integrated polymer software
For polymers, the integrated software of our adjustable falling ball viscometer calculates and reports parameters like, e.g., relative viscosity, specific viscosity, reduced viscosity, inherent viscosity, intrinsic viscosity, K-value, and average molar mass. Automating polymer analysis in this way eliminates the error-prone use of external tools. Stored results are collected in a database for comparison later.
Measure aggressive chemicals without risk
The hermetically closed system helps you measure volatile or toxic samples with ease and protects sensitive samples from contamination. While our borosilicate glass capillaries are suitable for most solvents and acids, unique break-proof PCTFE capillaries with a gold-coated ball and FFKM O-rings enable you to even test chemicals as aggressive as hydrofluoric acid. For valuable or limited sample amounts, using short capillaries with sample volumes as low as 100 μl reduces waste and lowers operational costs. After measurement, your sample can be recovered for further tests, reducing the overall cost of experiments.