Climate Logger

  • Checks and records the ambient conditions for each measurement
  • Automatic data transfer to Brabender MetaBridge
  • Insensitive to dust and moisture
  • Multi-year battery durability

Brabender: ClimateLogger


The ClimateLogger captures ambient temperature, humidity, and air pressure during measurements with Brabender MetaBridge-controlled devices like the FarinoGraph or the ViscoQuick. These recorded values play a crucial role in adhering to national and international quality standards. The data collected via Bluetooth seamlessly and promptly transfers to Brabender MetaBridge for automated documentation. This eliminates the need for manual data entry, mitigating potential user errors. The wide measurement range for capturing values ensures high accuracy. The device’s resilience to the challenges against different environments makes it reliable even in tough conditions.

The ClimateLogger is ready to go within a minute and ensures secure measurement processes. With a battery life spanning several years, it minimizes interruptions and maintenance efforts.

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